HPV vaccine decrease genital warts and some cancers affected American Young girls about 56%. The vaccine get into market in 2006, the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, said on Wednesday June 20th, 2013.
In a new study published in June by the government health agency that the HPV vaccine reduces 11.5 percent by 2010 for 14 to 19 years old girls. According to Dr. Tom Friden, CDC director said that this type of vaccine need to increase its rates because it prevents cancer from girls.
HPV is a Human Papillomavirus that secure more than 100 viruses. Most people have HPV virus in their body. There are two types of HPV virus contains- HPV 16 and 18 related to cervical cancer to 70 percent and other HPV 6 and 11 related to genital warts to 90 percent. It also causes cancers of the oropharynx i.e; back of the throat, tongue and tonsils, vulva, vagina, penis and anus.
The cervarix protects through HPV 16 and 18 for women between
10 and 25. Nearly the vaccine recures 82 percent effective rate. The patient should use to take the vaccine regularly for six months.
The vaccine were govern in U.S totally 56 million since 2006. 170 million vaccine was distributed over the globe. In U.S there were 80 percent vaccine rated, but only 35 percent of girls had full dose in 2011.
The CDC reported that the HPV vaccine is safe and be aware of increasing sexual rates in girls aged 12 to 19.
HPV vaccine for girls.
Human Papillomavirus.
Keywords: HPV vaccine, CDC,cervarix,oropharynx, Human Papillomavirus, HPV virus.
In a new study published in June by the government health agency that the HPV vaccine reduces 11.5 percent by 2010 for 14 to 19 years old girls. According to Dr. Tom Friden, CDC director said that this type of vaccine need to increase its rates because it prevents cancer from girls.
HPV is a Human Papillomavirus that secure more than 100 viruses. Most people have HPV virus in their body. There are two types of HPV virus contains- HPV 16 and 18 related to cervical cancer to 70 percent and other HPV 6 and 11 related to genital warts to 90 percent. It also causes cancers of the oropharynx i.e; back of the throat, tongue and tonsils, vulva, vagina, penis and anus.
The cervarix protects through HPV 16 and 18 for women between
10 and 25. Nearly the vaccine recures 82 percent effective rate. The patient should use to take the vaccine regularly for six months.
The vaccine were govern in U.S totally 56 million since 2006. 170 million vaccine was distributed over the globe. In U.S there were 80 percent vaccine rated, but only 35 percent of girls had full dose in 2011.
The CDC reported that the HPV vaccine is safe and be aware of increasing sexual rates in girls aged 12 to 19.
HPV vaccine for girls.
Human Papillomavirus.
Keywords: HPV vaccine, CDC,cervarix,oropharynx, Human Papillomavirus, HPV virus.