"Raanjhanaa" is a latest upcoming bollywood movie. It is full of romance film which is directed by Anand L.Rai and produced by Krishna Lulla comes down in Eros International presents. The music was composed by A.R.Rahman. The cost of the film are Dhanush as Kundan, Sonam Kapoor as Zoya, Abhay Deol, Swara Bhaskar as Bindiya, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub and many more.
The Raanjhanaa movie is the story of hero Kundan as Dhanush who felt in first love and the memory are filled with unforgotable in his mind when he grew up. Benaras had a special place in Kundan heart. The Kundan journey of the film was starting from 13 years old boy felt in love and become spirited young man and atlast who
became a smartful person in his life. The screenplay of the movie was gone by Himanshu Sharma and cinematography was Natarajan Subramaniam. It is the bollywood movie which is also going to release in kollywood. The budget of the movie was Rs. 35crores.
The promotion of the music was done on May 27th, 2013 in Mumbai at the Radio Mirchi Studio. The theatrical tailor was released on 24th April 2013. The releasing date of the upcoming movie Raanjhanaa in bollywood was June 21st, 2013 and kollywood it was June 28th, 2013.
Latest movie in bollywood.
Keywords: Raanjhanaa, Radio Mirchi Studio, Anand L. Rai, A.R.Rahuman, Dhanush.