"JOBS" is the latest upcoming movie in hollywood directed by Joshua Micheal Stern, written by Matt Whiteley. The cast of the movie are Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gad, Jik Simmons. Music of the film was done by John Debney. The movie is being released by PVR Pictures in India. It is yet to released on August 16th 2013 in India all theaters.
The story of the film consists of a student who passed out from college searching for a job's into technological field. This movie express a great modernizer and capitalist in every one life, said Kamal Gianchandani, President of PVR pictures. The film was chosen for the Sundance Film Festival.
Article of movie "JOBS".
Keywords: PVR pictures, Latest upcoming movie in hollywood, Jobs, Sundance Film Festival.
The story of the film consists of a student who passed out from college searching for a job's into technological field. This movie express a great modernizer and capitalist in every one life, said Kamal Gianchandani, President of PVR pictures. The film was chosen for the Sundance Film Festival.
Article of movie "JOBS".
Keywords: PVR pictures, Latest upcoming movie in hollywood, Jobs, Sundance Film Festival.